The excitement that comes when relocating to a new country opens a big door of interesting experiences, and more so when you are settling in China. As we grow used to living in this amazing place we eventually begin to long for all the yummy foods from home. We can’t wait for the moment we go back home and make that trip to the grocery store to buy as much food as we can and pack it in our suitcases for the return. Meredith found herself in the same situation. It’s not that she wasn’t enjoying the limitless choices of new flavors in her new home, Beijing, but there were times when she dearly missed her favorite treats from home.

Meredith’s love for nut butter put her on an interesting path in her life. As any expat can relate to Meredith's situation, there comes a time in which fitting all the goods we crave in a suitcase every time we visit home becomes hard and expensive to keep up. She realized that bringing several jars of nut butter wouldn’t be practical in the long run, so she started to make her nut butter at home. It didn’t seem like a difficult task at first, and to her admiration, Meredith found it amazing to be able to make her favorite snack; experimenting with combinations of nuts and other added flavors in her kitchen. Meredith was happy with the results of her blends. She started sharing her butter with friends and they were very impressed with the tasty snack she had made. It was from the encouragement of one of her friends that Meredith prepared a batch and put together a selection of nut butter in jars to sell at a flea market. They all sold!

Ever since then Meredith has been producing nut butter in a combination of flavors, all while maintaining the simplest natural ingredients. The fact that people loved her products gave her the incentive to jump into the business world. After some time of producing nut butter, Meredith connected with a Chinese NGO, The Paradise Foundation (a non-profit organization that works for the protection and conservation of areas at risk in China), and while working alongside them she established her nut butter factory where locals are employed and help with the production of nut butter at greater scales. The farmers are very happy to have the opportunity to work the land or work in her factory. This allows some of the farmers to stay near their homes and avoid jobs in the city which makes it a tedious commute for some of them.
With a business that has roughly 5 years, Meredith's work has grown steadily. She has introduced a new range of flavors to the Chinese people. Something that is very foreign to Chinese, little by little, has grown to be liked, especially among younger people. What is more special, the nut butter made by Meredith is so tasty, yummy, and healthy.

It’s been about 10 years since Meredith’s plan to take a gap year in China before going to medical school turned out to be one of the best decisions in her life. She never imagined that something she enjoys eating would ever become an intrinsic part of her life. A small business that started in the balcony of her home turned into owning a nut butter factory in the heart of Sichuan. It’s an amazing accomplishment. She is also happy to have reached this part of China and help make a difference in the lives of these villagers. Meredith knows in her heart that China is the place for her to be right now.

As per her brand name product you may be wondering how she decided to give the name NakedNutbutters*. Well, Meredith wanted to reflect a product that was very “natural, pure, simple and fun, quite “naked “ in that sense”, she mentions. A product that could immediately catch a customer’s simple and natural taste buds, in which they could implement into their daily diet. And this remains Meredith’s mission: share the love for these special butters and educate people how natural products can contribute with a healthy happy life.

Meredith Sides is originally from the U.S. She's currently residing in Beijing with her partner and two amazing pups.